

http://kicieirine.tumblr.com/ luv my tumblr & myblog


About Me

My photo
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
juz a simple gurl from Sabah but live and study at Kuching.. i'am a crazsy naughty cute gurl..means 'nakal cam budak p ada batas'.. i luv hang out & to have fun with my housemate.. they are really2 cute crazsy.. bluueekkss =P i'am not Malay but Islam.. am Bisaya + Cina Dusun.. but i cant & didn't know how to speak chinese. i juz know to speak a little Bisaya or Dusun language..I will usually speak 'bahasa pasar org Sabah'... BM yg 'karas'.. you will know if you read my blog =P i have fb.. i know most of people have fb... add me as a friend if you dare http://www.facebook.com/eirieyn

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Now, everything is newest.. i have new life with the new situation and new rental room.. before this  live in rental house but now is so difficult to me to rent the house.
huuhh... find, find, find,...but not found. Nowadays or week 0r month.. i am looking for good job opportunities that suitable for my specialization in accounting. For the first session, i got the first interview for Assistant Executive at QBE Insurance Berhad, its Malaysian Branch company. Its forms part of Australia Asia Pacific Division Operation.. Woowwwwwww!!!! The manager of Human Resources's name is Mr. Kumar..He is good looking and kindly, also friendly.. His attitude make me confident with my interview session, butttttttt.... i have big one problem, my local permit into Sarawak because i am not Sarawakien. During this time i only use the student pass. After that, i need to renew it by myself.
OMG!!!! i hope very strongly that i can get any interview offer again and i was accepted to working the good job that match with my specialization


Sunday, May 15, 2011

JOB OPPORTUNITITIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do u think if u cari2 job vacancy yg sesuai p x dapat2 jga???
Parents pun asyik menekan ngan memberi harapan yang terlalu tinggi...
sure..u all susa nak tido lena kan..... ):
Now, fresh graduates from diploma x lagi d pandang sgt...
Lots of employer mesti tengok minimum certificates from degree 0r sarjana muda...

what do u think... its a human resources or contest to choose workers?
yepss... we all know that every company want greaters employee.. but, kc peluang la pada yg kurang bkemampuan melanjutkan pelajaran.... bila da ada salary yg terkumpul, majority of employees will continue their study... like PJJ...
Dont mention or think that people like 'kurang berpendidikan tinggi' is BODOH. 
Give them every opportunity and chance to succeed

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

what the bad thinking of me?

huhuhuh... )":
my bad mood is come back.. am so sad b'cus i think my hubby forget me, never worry about me.. what should i do when i was thinking the very2 bad situation of my relationship. How can me avoid this feeling? am really hope that he really needs and miss me so much but i can't felt that from him.
to my hubby.....
even you can't hear what am thinking..
but i really hope that u can understand me. 
don't lets me down, please.
i want our relationship always be forever,b'cus am really love you so deeply. i understand n know that my feeling inside out and very clearly. 
i am forget about my anger, my trauma, my fear..
b'cus i really want to care about u.
even am not ready yet to injured my heart but am always ready to share my life with u..ready to listen your problems and anything else about you.
People always says "sharing is caring"...
thats why am always worried about you..
am sorry if u felt uncomfortable with my worried..
am sorry if u don't like with my caring..
But, i can't avoid my this attitudes b'cus am really fallin love with u for all tha times.
First sight never give me fallin love with u b'cus my fallin love at u for all the times i care.
my heart always say "i love hubby n miss my hubby so deeply"

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

tenkiu ....

 tenkiu for this site b'cus tulung i...
P/s.. jan ketawakan blog i bcus i mc new blogger kio

me cupcakes....

c cUte cUpCaKesssssssss...........

 about cupcakess.. kiut sangat...
bentuk kcik p kiut n menawan hati..
sapa sangka cupcake mampu menawan hati para gadis berbanding dengan cakes..
(actually i xtaw nak mengarang apa pun)

 i'm excited with cupcakes..
bukan sebab 'sakai' taw..
coz cupcakes kecik n cute.....
rasa cian je nak m0m0m c cute cupcakes

look at cute cupcakes...
rasa ceria ja bila pndang...
kiut sangat hinggakan i x smpai hati nak m0m0m di0rang..
b'cus me luv it....

Sunday, April 10, 2011

search. edit. download. = bingung

boringnye klu hujung2 minggu gni..
asyik duduk kat rumah sewa ja..
p atleast kira ok la cz kmi x terjebak ngan gejala 'clubbing2' ni..
(oppss.. sory pda kaki clubbing.. bukan nk mengata taw...)
today, i try very hard to 'mencantikkan' my blog ni..
actually, me xpandai sangat nak maen blog2 ni..
(ikut2 org ja).....
 p x bermakna i xde jalan hidup endiri taw,,..
org kata maen blog ni 'so much interesting'....
so, bg yg kurang pengetahuan tentang blog mcm i ni, xsalah pun kn nak try n blajar...
punya laa... i edit2 blog..search sana sini..
 jumpa ngan diz blog http://teknikbuatblog.blogspot.com, cri info dri dya punya..
neway, tenkiu so much.. bukan nak m'copy paste' but try make perfect  bha..

blog ni la tempat i buat rujukan.. skli la tenkiu to http://teknikbuatblog.blogspot.com cz bagi ilham n info.

Now, blog  i makin bertambah ada kemajuan....
b4 diz, blog i cincai2 ja...
ciankan cz xde sapa nk ajar...

(ni blog i yg pakai theme lama)

(ryte now) 
p mc burok kn?
xpe laa..laen kli edit lg k..

Saturday, April 9, 2011


malam ni sa sgt2 sdey cz my sist inbox me..
dy ckp mumy xsruh sambung degree...huhu..
sa xde mud nak talking n writing....
sdey sgt2.. klu x patuh dcakap anak derhaka...
p klu hati btul2 nak stdy cmne la..
cmne la bangsa nak maju klu asyik mengharap kelulusan ckup2 makan ja...
setakat diploma, lom kukuh lagi pelajaran kt otak...
sdey... dtelan mati mak, diluah mati bapa..
mumy cakap x payah amik degree kat sarawak..
its not the probs but the probs is, my result xla sebaik my sist yg mereka slu banggakan 2..
bukan senang nak apply U mengikut tempat pilihan melainkan result gempak...
sa xtaw nak kongsi ngan sapa...
sa hanya berharap mereka faham.. huhuh.. T.T

newest me.... =)

latest fb

i'm me................. i'll be there

i'm me

Monday, February 28, 2011


ni la muka2 lesu setelah seharian dkolej..huhu

Lapar sangat, p juz mumum bun n air kosong ja.. huhuhu

penat.. pening..bila bingung2 pk subjek Advance Account.. rasa nk nangis ja bila l0m pass nk buat.. huhuhu T.T

Saturday, January 15, 2011

my travelling for today

Hari ni x ujan p mendung ja.. sa jln2 g bandar sorg2... ramai org taw coz hari ni da tamu (pasar mlm) dsatok...
sa juz jln2 ja hilangkn borink..heheh... lets watch my vidoe k... have fun ^___^
Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 13, 2011



Ujan yang turun bagaikan mutiara...... la..la..la...laaaaaa......

Ujan lagi hari ni kat Kuching.. sa mau turun g Satok coz mau amik duet pun tia dapat, bikin pakai belanja makan beberapa minggu la katakan. Ujan, u mhalang sa, p tiapalah.. maybe ada rahmat disebaliknya (tia abis duet =) ).

( cuma hiasan semata)

Then, actually petang ni sa mau g cari partym vacancy kat Bandar Baru.. cari duet tambahan bikin pocket money la kunun tym study week nanti. Dah lah bayar borang permohonan Convo punyalah maen mahal, then register my final sem lagi mau kna bayar tuh...ump :( .. p tiapala, pengorbanan demi my excellent future tuh babe.. hihi...

(angan-angan ni) 

Saatsa duduk sorangkat rumah sewa ni, sa rindu pula ngan my housemate.. diorang tengah holiday kat Sabah.. Sa & Ell ja yang tia balik Sabah tapi Ell kat BDC skang.. sa pula kat Bandar Baru.. umpp, hampeh je duk sorang2 ni tapi lom juga dapat kerja partym. huhuhuhu T.T. Cuaca ujan gini ni buat sa rasa sedey ja coz keseorangan tapi bila my housemate ada gerenti ujan menjadi punca utama kami kuat tido... wakakkaka. =D

datz my expression of today.. hihihi =)
- ALL THE BEST Kicie -